A couple of days ago the kids middle school held a math competition for the students to see which students would get to go to the regional Math Counts competition. Sean competed last year and placed fourth in the region if my memory serves me right. This was Savannah’s first attempt at the Math Counts […]
Report Cards, Teacher Conferences, and High School Selection
Last Friday was a busy day as we had our parent teacher conferences with the middle school teachers and got the kids report cards. Sean had all A’s with a 4.05 GPA Gold Honor Roll. Savannah just missed Gold Honor Roll with a 3.9 GPA Silver Honor Roll. The teachers said that the 3.9 is […]
New Puppy Update
Stormy is turning out to be a great dog. She is already house broken, getting along well with the older dog, and learing to be comfortable around all kinds of people. She is going on long walks every day, which tire her out, but she loves to stride right along SueEllen. She also likes to […]
Sad News, The Puppy Didn’t Make It
I just got off the phone with the adoption agency and the puppy didn’t make it. He just went down hill too quickly before they could get him to the doctor. So pray for Savannah, she’s a bit heart broken. The lady is going to take him for a necropsy tomorrow, thinking that he got […]
A New Puppy, and a few worries.

[image title=”smokey” size=”medium” id=”2905″ align=”left” ] This weekend we brought home a new puppy, a 4 1/2 month old male lab mix named Smokey. A local animal rescue kennel had a bunch of dogs for adoption at the rodeo this weekend. There were several that are really mellow and really cute. All of them were […]
My Poor Blog
Oh my poor little blog. How I have neglected it lately! It’s not really by choice, but things have become hectic around here. It probably sounds old, but with work and the kids now doing something damn near every night, time for Mr Papa’s World has been limited. I have managed to do little “Quick […]
Showstoppers Weekend Again
Well, sort of… It is time for the regional Showstopper dance competition weekend in Phoenix once again. However, Suzanne’s and Savannah’s dance studio has decided to not do Showstopper this year. I am not really sure why, but the studio is passing this year. That doesn’t mean the girls are passing this year – at […]
Birthday Fun
As I mentioned this weekend, it was Savannah’s Birthday and we headed into town for fun and dinner. First stop was the mall as Savannah wanted to walk around and shop with some money she had received for her birthday. It was kind of convenient too since the movie theater was right there. She ended […]
Happy Birthday Savannah!

Well, technically it was yesterday, but today being Saturday, we are doing most of the celebration activities today. More on that later… Yesterday the kids had a half day of school and their 1st Semester awards program. Both kids received honor roll once again with Sean earning a 4.96 grade point and Savannah earning a […]
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