Back To Normal

It’s time to get back to more normality tomorrow. It’s been a hectic start of the year at work. It culminated in the business trip last week. The kids and Suzanne also get back to normal with a regular dance week and a full week of school. We had a nice relaxing weekend and are […]

Busy Times

I will be entering some busy times for the next week or two and may not be able to keep up my current pace of posting. Tomorrow, we head off to Phoenix for the Regional Showstoppers Dance Competition.  The kids (and Suzanne) are really excited.  It’s a weekend away from the house and they get […]

TV Shows

Is it just me? Or is there really not much worth watching on television these days? I suspect it’s really a combination of both. I must be getting old since most of todays TV shows just dont appeal to me. Years ago, I used to watch a bunch of TV and there were quite a […]

Tax Time

It’s that time of the year again – Tax Time. I am usually pretty quick to get my taxes in as I almost always get a refund. I try to play games with my W-4 to minimize the amount of a refund, but want to play it safe so as to no have to make […]

Where’s Mr Papa?

Sorry for the dearth of posts here lately.  I am really tied up at work the last couple of weeks working some 12 hour days getting ready for a big review on Thursday of this week. I also received my new compute yesterday, so what little time I have at night is devoted to getting […]

Technology Update

Today, my new internet service was installed and I couldn’t be happier.  I said that a year ago when the old internet service was turned on, but things get better with time.  After todays install, I am able to get a solid 1 – 1.5M download and 700k upload.  The best part is that no […]

Spoke Too Soon and More Ramblings

As the old saying goes, I have spoken too soon.  A winter storm has moved into the area and heavy snow is predicted for the night.  They are saying 3 to 8 inches for us here in Sonoita.  I will believe it when I see it, but the snow has begun to fall.  If we […]

Around Mr Papa’s World

Recently, several of my friends in other states had commented that they wondered where the Winter was. They live in states that this time of year are pretty cold and snowbound. I think the winter must have moved here to Sonoita, AZ. We have been having a pretty strong cold front lately. Morning temperatures have […]


This vacation sure has been nice – didnt I say that before?  Anyways, it would have been a bit nicer if the kids were off of school this week, but they dont get off until tomorrow.  Usually, we get a couple of weeks off together at the end of the year.  They actually get the […]

Christmas Gift

I finally figured out last night what I was getting for Christmas this year. I am difficult to buy for because I dont need much and I usually want some kind of gadget or toy. So, each Christmas, my Mother and my in-laws send me a check for Christmas to pick out something(s) that I […]