This weekend, Suzanne has put together a fund raising variety show for our parish building foundation. Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Mission church received a donation of land a few years ago, and since that time our parish has put together various fund raisers to support our future building efforts. Tomorrow, Suzanne will be […]
Suzanne “Putting on a Show” to raise money for church building foundation
Rome – Transatlantic 2009 Day 5 – More Touring Rome
Yesterday we continued our wonderful, albeit tiring experience in Rome. The previous day we logged nearly 7 miles walking and touring in the city. Yesterday we logged about another 6 miles. We are certainly getting our exercise. I guess it makes us feel less guilty about the awesome food we are eating. Suzanne and I […]
Unwanted Guests

[image title=”Bees In Arch” size=”thumbnail” id=”2023″ align=”none” alt=”Bees In Arch” linkto=”viewer” ] We awoke on Sunday morning to some unwanted guests at our front door. No, they weren’t more illegal aliens, but instead were a swarm of Africanized Bees. Seems that overnight a swarm of the hostile bees had decided to stake out a claim […]
Where’s Mr Papa? Plus Another Victory
Wow, been a while since my last post – my apologies. It’s been a busy time. And a fun time. I will try to bring yall up to date on what’s been going on. First, last night was another victory for Sean’s baseball team. They won a close game by a score of 7 – […]
Cruise Talk Central Getting Noticed Again
I know I have said this before, but our Cruise Talk Central site continues to grow in popularity. You have probably heard in the new recently about the lady that went overboard on the NCL Dream Ship. Well, yesterday Suzanne wrote a blog article about the incident. It has been a popular post in terms […]
Klasens Featured in the Sonoita Bulletin
The local paper, the Sonoita Weekly Bulletin, featured the Klasens in two articles this week. The first article chronicles our results at the Show Stopper Competition and the second article highlights our upcoming church benefit show. I’ve linked the articles up for our readers, however I believe that the link location is only good until […]
Quick Update
Just a quick update… I wish I could say it was because I have been playing Halo 3, but sadly, this is not true. In fact, after my brief post on the Halo 3 coop mode action with Sean, I have only played maybe an hour of Halo 3. About half that was in single […]
Weekend Musings and NutriSystem Update
Wow! What a busy weekend. It was even a three day weekend for me as it was my Friday off week. Some of the activities though were self-inflicted. I put myself in a hole sleepwise early as I stayed up until 3:30 AM on Thursday night playing America’ Army. That game can be quite addictive […]
Savannah’s First Communion
Today, Savannah celebrated her First Communion at Our Lady of the Angels Church. It was a very nice ceremony and a wonderful experience for Savannah. She wore a beautful white dress and veil. Her school classmate Kevin also made his First Communion during the same Mass. Grandmother and Grandpop Pechuls were able to come in […]
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