Celebrity Cruise to Mexico

Looks like we have finally zeroed in on what excursions we are going to do on our upcoming cruise to Mexico this coming November on the Celebrity Mercury. On one hand, we did this same Celebrity Mercury Cruise itinerary three years ago, se we dont really want to the same things or even things that […]

Whew – Long Day…

Wow, what a long day today was… We left the house at 8:45 this morning to get to Benson for the football game. It was another typical sunny, hot Arizona day for football and a visit to Apple Annies for some family fun. The football game went in typical fashion for Sean’s team. They lost […]

Off To Apple Annie’s

Tomorrow will be a busy and long, but fun day. We will start the day with another one of Sean’s football games with Savannah cheerleading. The game tomorrow is in Benson, AZ which is about 30 – 45 minutes from Sonoita. The boys are still winless this year, but maybe they can pull one out […]

Another Klasen Family Tree Update

Tonight, I have made another major update to the Klasen Family Tree. This was a pretty easy update to make, but it significantly increased the size of the tree once again. I concentrated on an area that I hadnt touched before – The Brunks. My sister Kelly is married to Timothy John Brunk and I […]

Treadmill Back Operational

Okay, the treadmill is back operation, though I am not sure for how long. Hopefully, for a long time to come. Suzanne finally had the proper amps, lubrication kit and new fan delivered yesterday. She was ambitious and did all the necessary work and tested it out. It seemed to be working fine. The proof, […]

Big Klasen Family Tree Update

I have finally gotten around to updating the Klasen Family Genealogy site with some of my recent research. When I get a bit of spare time, I have been finding little tidbits of information that I have been collecting. Recently, I also made a discovery of another family tree that had a pretty good tie […]

Risk: The Clone Wars and NutriSystem Update

We recently had picked up another boardgame that we gave our first spin to this weekend. The game was Risk: The Clone Wars. Its another in the modification series of the long living, popular Risk boardgame. I grew up as a kid many years ago playing Risk. I have very fond memories of many Summer […]

Football + Arizona + September = Hot

Wow, what a day for football today. There wasnt a cloud in the sky and the temperatures rose above 90 degrees. That’s not the norm for Arizona in September, but its not that outlandish either. Being as we are in the mountains, it must have been pushing 100 in Tucson. Sean had another football game […]

Treadmill Woes Continue

So much for the treadmill woes being solved. I hopped on it again yesterday for a workout. About 5 minutes into the program, barely enough time to break a sweat, the treadmill once again seized up and stopped. I suspected another blown fuse which would not bode well for the treadmill. Continual blowing of a […]

Weekend Musings and NutriSystem Update

Wow! What a busy weekend. It was even a three day weekend for me as it was my Friday off week. Some of the activities though were self-inflicted. I put myself in a hole sleepwise early as I stayed up until 3:30 AM on Thursday night playing America’ Army. That game can be quite addictive […]