What a great day we had in Frankenmuth, Michigan. First, we visited the World’s Largest Christmas Market, Bronner’s! I have been bugging Mr. Papa to get an artificial tree for safety reasons for years. Our real trees are beautiful for about a week, and then no matter how careful I am to water the tree […]
Archives for June 2008
Vacation Finally Here!
Well, finally its here! A vacation. Right about now, we are jetting our way to Michigan for a little family reunion. I am in desperate need of a vacation as this will essentially be my first of the year. We did take a week back in March for a Pechuls family reunion, but I was […]
New Photo Gallery Operational
As previously detailed in this post, Mr Papa’s World is happy and proud to unveil our new photo gallery system on this website. That post details the why of the new gallery, so I won’t rehash it. We still have some work to do on the new gallery, primarily adding captions to the photos, but […]
I Survived A Japanese Game Show
Oh man, what a laugh fest! As I have mentioned many times, I don’t get involved in too many reality shows, but I heard about one debuting on TV tonight that sounded so outrageous that I just had to check it out tonight. The show is called I Survived A Japanese Game Show. The premise […]
When We Left The Earth
For those of you that haven’t been watching the recent Discovery series “When We Left The Earth”, you don’t know what you have been missing. The series has been quite excellent and the high definition images quite stunning. The series is a cooperative effort between the Discovery Channel and NASA. It chronicles the history of […]
Hot Hot Hot
The thermometer has soared around here lately. We have quite a streak going of 100+ degree temperatures. A couple of days, we even got to 110 degrees. Luckily, its a dry heat. I say that partly in jest, but it does make a world of difference. I will take 110 degrees with about 0% humidity […]
Nashville Star
First, I am not a big fan of all the reality TV shows that are on now. However, Suzanne and the kids are big fans. In the interest of family time, I do watch a few of them with them. Being a big fan of Country music, I have always found Nashville Star to be […]
Baseball Season Comes To A Close
Well, its been a good, long, hard ride, but Sean’s baseball season has come to a close. The boys had a great year, finishing the season with a very nice record of 15 – 2. If you ask the kids, they will say it was 15 – 1 since they don’t count the loss to […]
Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there! Mr Papa has enjoyed his Fathers Day holiday. Too bad I have to go to work tomorrow. I always wish there was another day off after these Sunday holidays. Today was a nice relaxing day for me. I had a nice workout this morning and then […]
Coming Soon – New Gallery Look
Well not all that soon to be quite honest. Its going to take a lot of work to convert over all my albums and photos to a new appearance, but work will start soon. If you have been wondering about the lack of activity here at Mr Papa’s World its because of all the work […]
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