Mr Papa’s World Adds Polls

Okay, I have taken the plunge and added a poll feature to Mr Papa’s World. From time to time, I will introduce a new poll for your viewing pleasure. 🙂 In addition, it will give me a chance to see what is on the minds of those that read my blog. The first poll, which […]

Sonoita Labor Day Rodeo Weekend

This weekend is the annual Sonoita Labor Day Rodeo. I think its the 91st annual rodeo this year. Its a long and storied rodeo and has long been a part of rural Sonoita. The rodeo began yesterday (Saturday) afternoon and runs through Labor Day Monday. The rodeo features most events for the men and women. […]

Volvo Back Good As New

You might remember the little incident from a few weeks back where our neighbor Larry was over helping us with an issue with our riding lawnmower. When he he was leaving, he forgot to look behind him and backed right into our relatively new Volvo XC90 SUV. We felt bad for Larry because here he […]

Family History

Its getting to be time to get back to doing some research on family history. I havent touched it in about 6 months, but am going to soon. I dont know much about my family’s history and would like to learn more. Unfortunately, most of my family doesnt know much about the history either. That […]

Happy Birthday Sean!

Happy Birthday to Sean today. He is now the big 10 years old! Wow, time sure flies when kids are growing. We had a fun birthday weekend. An earlier post detailed the fun present opening, Benihana’s dinner and mini golf birthday celebration that we had for Sean. Sunday was spent watching the PGA Championship, playing […]

Sean’s Birthday Celebration

Sean’s birthday is officially Monday and he will be 10. However, he has football practice and hip hop dance class on Monday, so it didnt make sense to celebrate it on Monday. We made plans to go in to Tucson late Saturday afternoon, have some dinner and play some mini golf. Afterwards, we would come […]

Not So Fun Day Off

As today is my Friday off (I get every other Friday off), I was looking forward to a nice, relaxing day working off my to do list. I had lots of catch up work to do on the four computers scattered around the house. Suzanne was going to get on the riding mower and cut […]

Laughing All Day

Wow, what a day… Been laughing all day long at a bunch of different things… Here are a couple of the highlights… We got into talking about Sean’s football season and the practices that just started this past week. Sean has been enjoying the conditioning program they are undergoing – sick boy. I asked who […]

Football Season Begins for Sean

Today is the first day of football practice for Sean. He is pretty excited as it is his favorite activity. He will again be playing in the Mighty Mite division which is tackle football for 8-10 year olds. Last year he played Guard on offense and Defensive End on the defensive side. No telling where […]

Showstoppers National Finals Webcast

Tomorrow, Suzanne and Savannah head off to Anaheim, CA for the Showstopper West Coast National Finals. They earne the right to compete there by their performances in the regional competition in Phoenix, AZ last spring. This means Sean and I get some guy time alone. Now we just need to figure out what we are […]