Our little rural community of Sonoita celebrated Halloween this weekend. Living in the country, there is no real way for the kids to trick or treat. They might walk two miles and only visit 4 houses.� Instead, the community gets together at the county fairgrounds and holds a Halloween carnival. The chamber of commerce sponsors […]
Archives for October 2006
Close But No Cigar
Sean’s football team came close today, but they still went down to defeat. The final score was 14 – 13. This leaves Sean’s team winless for the year. The difference in the game was an extra point. At this age, teams get 2 points for a passing conversion and 1 point for a run conversion. […]
Website Moves
I recently made the decision to move my websites (four in production with fifth in planning) to a new host and new server. This decision didnt come easily. I wasnt really all that happy with the current host. They (hostingplex.com) had gone through many rough areas. I had been with them for about 15 months. […]
Genealogy Contact
I have to tell you, I really love doing this genealogy research. I had put it on the back burner for a couple of weeks while I transitioned my websites to a new host – more to come on that after all the websites have all been moved. A couple of days ago, I received […]
Different Kind of Theme Park

Las Vegas is a fun town. I visited there many times when I lived in California for a short period of time. When in Vegas, I usually turned to the blackjack tables for entertainment. Judging by the photos below, the Stratosphere Hotel in Las Vegas might be a different kind of place to go. This […]
Ronald Reaganisms
Lots of work getting these sites moved. So far, only Mr Papa’s World is up. Waiting for the DNS to change on the others then make sure they work. So, only a quick post, but being a fan of Ronald Reagan, I found these sayings attributed to him to be quite nice. Actually, havent researched […]
Mr Papa’s World Back Online
Mr Papa’s World is back online following the server move. Unfortunately, the gallery seems to be nonfunctioning at the moment. I will get that back online as soon as possible… UPDATE: Okay, the gallery is back on line as is the genealogy stuff…Â Please let me know if you come across any issues with Mr […]
Mr Papa’s World Moving
Mr Papa’s World is changing hosts. This move to a new provider and server will provide us with a more reliable server and additional bandwidth. The move should be unnoticed by my readers, but ya never know. When the move is complete, I will post back here.
Germany Trip Details
A bit more on my recent business trip to Germany… Thanks to some wonderful planning on the part of one of my colleagues, we had a 6:29 AM departure out of Tucson International Airport. Living a good solid hour from the airport, that meant a 3:30 AM wakeup for me. The poor itinerary continued as […]
New Digital Camera
I finally broke down and bought Suzanne a new digital camera. I have been frustrated with hers ever Âsince she damaged a couple of parts on it a while back. After some research and trading off features versus cost, I decide on the Canon Powershot A630. Its an 8 mexapixel camera with decent ISO and […]
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